Have you heard this age-old wisdom? It's pretty cut & dry. Whatever you plant, you reap. Funny how this theme is growing in my life lately.
My classroom decor is all about plants and seeds and growing. I really can't explain how that took root, but what started as the seed of an idea has grown
into the decorative theme of my walls, doors, and nick-nacks.
I have searched out quotes to fit the theme, painted a lovely tree on my wall, made flowers and seed packs and the like. All of the prep has been pretty inspiring to say the least.
In the midst of this I started reading a book by Dani Johnson-- First Steps to Wealth. And what to my searching mind would appear but the chapter entitled "The Law of Reaping and Sowing". Again this theme comes the surface of the earth.
Hmmm. What's going on here?
My guess is that God is teaching me that I need to be more mindful of what I am planting into the garden of my life and the lives of others. What will grow from the seeds I scatter?
It's really pretty simple. If I plant encouragement, I will receive it. If I plant honor & love, that's what I will have as well. Not only that, but when I plant JOY in the heart of my child or WISDOM in the hearts of my students, they will pass it on to others. I have seen this happen. The LAW proves itself over & over again. You can't plant beans and expect strawberries, but if you plant strawberries in good fertile soil, someone will have strawberries to eat.
So today, let's keep in this mind. What you throw out may take root. Will you plant love? hope? confidence? peace? hard work? Or will you plant weeds of negativity and despair? Be ever mindful. For the law of sowing and reaping is universal. What are you planting?